Lionsgate LGTV
- UX
- Design
- Art Direction
- Apple TV App Design
- iOS App Design
A movie and entertainment powerhouse, Lionsgate came to Elegant Seagulls to overhaul their LGTV digital screening tool used by film and television buyers. With a focus on conversion and ease of use, we reimagined the platform to convey the magic of Lionsgate’s brand.
- A Modern, Easy-To-Use Screening Platform
- Conversion-Focused Design
- Upsell Opportunities Throughout
Our team leaned in with UX best practices, large, compelling title assets and cinematic design to modernize Lionsgate’s platform for not only web, but also for the iOS television and mobile apps.
Bold. Original. Relatable.
More Results
- Recommendations, Continue Watching and Featured Feeds
- User-Driven List Tool For Organizing Titles
- Matching Email Template Designs
The final result? A dream collaboration. Working with Lionsgate and their German development partner, Media Fellows, we followed the product from discovery through to launch ensuring consistency and smooth communication.